Healing & Liberation

January 9th, St. Jude Parish- Sacred Heart Church

February 20th, Archangel Gabriel Parish - Holy Trinity Church

Dry Bones Ministries offers Mass and Prayers for Liberation at parishes around the diocese. The evening starts with a time of Eucharistic Adoration with Confession available. Holy Mass follows with a homily by Fr. Joe Freedy. Fr. Chis Donley leads a special time of prayer and blessing with first-class relics. People come forward to touch and be touched by the healing power of God through the intercession of the saints. There is a deep spirit of reverence and hope as the priest or deacon gently presses the relic to the forehead of those who come for prayer.

It is a beautiful night of healing and liberation.

Contact Fr. Joe to bring the event to your parish.


5:30pm: Eucharistic Adoration with Confession Available
6:30pm: Talk on Spiritual Warfare
7:00pm: Mass, followed by Healing & Deliverance prayer,
and Blessing with First Class Relics

Bring it to your parish.

Interested bringing Healing and Liberation to your parish? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!